Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Picking A Just Right Book- Strategies and Leveling Books

 Too many children are growing up not liking to read. Anthologies contain good literature, but they do not help students fall in love with books. Every student in a grade is also not at the same reading level and do not have the same interests. That is why it is important to teach students, starting as early as pre-school and continuing thru their school years, how to pick a just right book for them. Students who know how to find books that they like will be life long readers, not just while they are in school. They will read whole series and know which authors they love, and which ones they don't. They will know what strategies to use when reading non-fiction and what strategies to use for fiction. They will question, infer and connect to any text they read, not just when they are told to.

How do parents learn how to help students select just right books? Check out the following links. In addition, there are a lot of suggested book lists by reading level and genre to help select books for your student or set up a home reading library.

Finding A Just Right Book

 http://www.readingrockets.org/article/28279-  Reading Rocket- How can parents help their children find books that are not "too hard" and not "too easy" but instead are "just right"? Here's some advice.

 http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid72342307001?bclid=23711448001&bctid=24929989001 - Video for parents on how to help a student pick out "just right books" for them.

 http://www.readkiddoread.com/home  - A site to help you select books from birth to teenage years.

Book Source Common Core Standards Book Recommendations for All Genres and Grades. Clic on any set to see titles. The books are fabulous and will build and support your students' background knowledge at the same time.

Easy and Developing Readers


1st Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade
 http://guysread.com/ - Welcome to Guys Read, a web-based literacy program for boys founded by author and First National Ambassador of Young People’s Literature Jon Scieszka..  Our mission is to help boys become self-motivated, lifelong readers.

http://www.booksource.com/Departments/Middle-School/Language-Arts/Books-For-Boys.aspx  Book Source List for Boys

Books for Girls

Reading Level of Books
http://www.barnesandnoble.com/reading-level-reading-books-lexile/search.asphttp: - Barnes and Noble Look up a book to find its level or look up books at a certain reading level.

  http://www.scholastic.com/bookwizard/    Scholastic Book Wizard Look Up- Input the level or title of a book to make sure it is just the right level.

Parent Literacy Newsletters

http://teacher.scholastic.com/clubs/guidedreadingoffer/newsletter_archive.htmhttp://teacher.scholastic.com/clubs/guidedreadingoffer/newsletter_archive.htm  Help your child build skills at home with tips and activities from this month’s newsletters. See expert advice, recommended books, and guides to Book Club titles that match your child’s reading level.

 Book Sales
http://www.booksalefinder.com/Book Sale Finder. Find book sales across the country and pick up new or gently used books pre-school -adult for .10 to a $1.

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